synchronous protocol

英 [ˈsɪŋkrənəs ˈprəʊtəkɒl] 美 [ˈsɪŋkrənəs ˈproʊtəkɑːl]

网络  同步协议



  1. Use a synchronous protocol with a request-response interaction pattern, and define faults that are understandable by the end user.
  2. The reason for this is that JAX-RPC1.1 enforces a synchronous interaction between requester and provider, regardless of the protocol that is used.
  3. For example, a connector could be a socket, be synchronous or asynchronous, be associated with a particular protocol, and so on.
  4. When a client uses a synchronous protocol ( such as HTTP) to send a request message ( for example, a JAX-RPC-compliant Java proxy), the proxy blocks the calling thread until it receives either a response or a fault from the service.
  5. ( Faults and error handling are covered in more detail in a subsequent article in this series.) Use a synchronous protocol with a request-response interaction pattern, and define faults that are understandable by the end user.
  6. Another subject of frequent debate is whether a service is synchronous or asynchronous, and what role the used communication protocol plays compared to the programming model.
  7. A one-many synchronous bargaining protocol based on bids sealed
  8. The PS/ 2 mouse and keyboard implement a bidirectional synchronous serial protocol.
  9. A Synchronous Distributed Queue Protocol for Dual Bus Man
  10. Based on the MAC protocol of data gathering tree, this thesis analyzes the contradictory problem of energy consumption and delay in the MAC protocols by using synchronous frame. Then an improved MAC protocol which adopting asynchronous frame is proposed.
  11. The data is divided into packages, and the package management entity is used for the management of memory resource. Main package and backup package are kept synchronization by synchronous protocol mechanism.
  12. Thirdly, this thesis sets forth a routing security protocol of the wireless sensor networks, and establishes a special clock synchronous protocol.
  13. Besides, the design completes synchronous serial communication system based on self-defining protocol;
  14. A NTP Synchronous Method of Protocol Testing Based on Virtual Machine Mechanism
  15. Therefore, a synchronous distributed queue protocol is proposed in this paper, which is to improve the fairness of the distributed queue protocol with remaining its characteristics.
  16. The proposed quantum synchronous communication protocol will find its great significance both in classical communication and in quantum communication.
  17. This paper proposes a new multiple access control ( MAC) protocol named distributed synchronous reservation multiple access control protocol ( DSRP), in which the hidden and exposed terminal problems are solved, and the QoS ( Quality of Service) requirements for real-time traffic are ensured.
  18. Synchronous protocol and asynchronous protocol are in common use in digital communication.
  19. If high speed and high efficiency are wanted or the communication between PC and periphery interface circuit is synchronous mode, asynchronous protocol is unfeasible.
  20. The upgrade for data processing system is achieved by adopting byte-oriented synchronous protocol to optimize and transmit data. Resource sharing in networks, real-time displaying, printing the geometric waveform diagrams, real-time overloading editing and printing summarized data are realized.
  21. The extension to specify the synchronous course of protocol steps.
  22. The Quantum Synchronous Communication Protocol for Two-army Problem
  23. Synchronous CDMA ( SCDMA) system is a wireless communication system using smart antenna, synchronous CDMA, SWAP? ( Synchronous wireless access protocol) and it is implemented on software radio architecture.
  24. Dynamic synchronous Transfer Mode ( DTM) which based on ATM protocol, can support TCP/ IP over Internet friendly.
  25. Through the analysis of the many-to-many negotiation model, the bilateral synchronous many-to-many automated negotiation protocol has been established, that resolved the bidding and concession coherence problem between the bilateral numerous participants.
  26. The first challenge is choice of synchronous protocol. After analysis and comparing of conservative and optimistic protocol, we choose first one.
  27. Data Mirroring System is volume-based and works in LVM, Synchronous Replication Protocol is used to control the writing process, and a log field is designed to store and manage the data which is being operated in the system.
  28. Through the analysis to the synthetic preferences of the multi-issue negotiation and other problems that currently exist, especially the multi-dimensional concession space, have been comprehensively analyzed. The bilateral synchronous multi-issue automated negotiation protocol has been established.